severity 361521 wishlist
retitle 361521 torrentflux: does not work with adodb in stable/sarge
tags 361521 sarge

Hi ryaner,

I've downgraded your bug, as it is related to an old distribution that
is not supported by this version of torrentflux. Read below for more info.

I don't have a good solution right now for getting torrentflux to work
with sarge, and I'm working on the upstream upgrade so I can't devote
any time to it right now. Perhaps in the future I will have more time
and we can work on this some more.

Ryaner said the following on 08/04/2006 1:48 PM:
> Main html bundle does not include the adodb folder
> required by Torrentflux. This leads to 2 warnings
> about being unable to open the adodb files and then
> the Fatal error when trying to open a DB connection.
> As TF has the folder values hardcoded, you will either
> need to update the values to point to the adodb
> package pulling in by dependancies or just include the
> adodb folder with the TF html bundle.

As Debian already includes adodb in the form of the the libphp-adodb
package, I could not include the adodb bundle included with torrentflux.

The current version of libphp-adodb in testing/unstable (4.72) installs
the adodb files into /usr/share/php/adodb. As /usr/share/php is in the
include path of PHP, the hardcoded values that come with torrentflux
work perfectly.

The old version of libphp-adodb in stable/sarge (4.52) installs the
adodb files into /usr/share/adodb. They are not automatically included
in the PHP path. There is a note in the libphp-adodb README.debian,
indicating the proper method for adding the adodb files to the PHP
include path.

I'm not sure what to suggest to you to get torrentflux to work with
stable/sarge. You could try adding the adodb to the include path for
PHP, or moving the adodb to a subfolder of an already included path, or
adjusting the include values in torrentflux. None of these are great

FYI, you may also have problems with the bittornado version that is in
stable. I haven't confirmed this, but I suspect torrentflux may need
>=0.3.13 version of bittornado. Let me know if the stable/sarge one does
work for you.

Cameron Dale

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