severity 962348 important

In data sabato 6 giugno 2020 16:26:34 CEST, Dimitri John Ledkov ha scritto:
> Package: kig
> Version: 4:20.04.1-1
> Severity: serious
> Hi,
> boost1.67 is being removed from testing and is transitioning to boost1.71.

Yes, I know about the boost transition to 1.71.0, that the new boost
does not provide Python 2 support, and that it is expected to not ship
boost 1.67.0 in bullseye.

> kig has just now switched from boost1.71 to boost1.67.

Quoting what I wrote in the changelog entry of 4:20.04.1-1:

  * Temporarily switch from libboost-python-dev to libboost-python1.67-dev,
    as boost 1.67 is the latest version of boost in Debian that supports
    Python 2: kig < 20.08 is not ready for Python 3, so stil with Python 2
    for now.

As the version number hints, the new stable version will be released
in (late) August; the development version already switched to Python 3
only, and it contains few Python 3 fixes. The current version does
*not* work properly with Python 3, that is why I had to rollback to
boost 1.67.0 (since boost 1.71.0 has no Python 2 bindings, sigh).

> Thus I am opening this bug report to prevent kig from migrating.

First of all, please do not abuse severities for things that are not
critical yet. There is a catch here: the version in testing is the
binNMU for the boost 1.71.0 rebuild, and apparently (to my surprise)
it was detected and switched to Python 3. This is buggy though, so
not letting this version migrate means having a buggy version in

> boost1.71 does not offer python2 bindings, as python2 is being removed to.

Sure, I know this too.

> I understand that kig is using boost-python2. Either please disable
> python bindings usage at build time, or try to port to boost-python3?

As I said, in ~3 months there will be a new upstream release fully
supporting Python 3, and I will switch it when it is released.

In the meanwhile, please:
a) open a RM bug for boost 1.67.0, so it is clear that it will be
b) make this bug block the RM bug

I'm pretty sure boost 1.67.0 can stay 3 months more around, especially
since I see it is still not the only package using the old boost.

Pino Toscano

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