Ian Jackson dixit:

>The problem is that `3.0 (quilt)' has both advantages (eg that
>`nativeness' is declared explicitly) and disadvantages (patches stored

Not necessarily:

| $ cat rs/debian/source/local-options
| $ cat rs/debian/source/local-patch-header
|Please review changes against upstream code using SCM,
|see the Vcs-* tags in debian/control for its location.

(empty line at the end)

This allows working with 3.0 (quilt) packages precisely the
same way (well plus a “git clean -dfx” after building) than
with 1.0 packages.

So, while it can be a bit annoying to have to first cut an
origtgz from your repo excluding debian/ (or from a separate
upstream branch) it works very well without tearing down the
native package boundary.

> Hi, does anyone sell openbsd stickers by themselves and not packaged
> with other products?
No, the only way I've seen them sold is for $40 with a free OpenBSD CD.
        -- Haroon Khalid and Steve Shockley in gmane.os.openbsd.misc

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