
I got something that looks Ok to me using

mediawiki2latex -u https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell/Print_version -o Haskell.pdf -i

Yours Dirk

On 6/30/20 4:08 PM, ael wrote:
On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 03:28:41PM +0200, Dirk Hünniger wrote:

I never looked at main.log. So there may be lots of errors in it. I just
looked at the PDF and that looked Ok to me.

How does the PDF look to you?
It has many problems. I would attach a copy but it is 1.8M compressed.
Something seems to go wrong after Chapter 2. It seems to recover around
Chapter 14.

Chapter 19 seems to have font/language issues: I will attach a screen
shot of that, but that probably is irrelevant - no doubt a consequense
of much earlier errors.

Come to think of it, I will include a screen shot of the start of
"Chapter 3" where things are alraedy broken.

I can't find an example just now, but the old "greybox" backgrounds are
also broken.

And I am sure that there is much more.


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