Source: googletest
Version: 1.10.0-3

googletest is weirdly special in that it is supposed to be compiled together
with the project that is being tested, using the same flags. As such it ships
with source files and not just a shared library that can be imported using
pkg-config. Right now it supports cmake as-is.

Meson is a (new?) build system that is gaining in popularity. Right now what a
meson-using upstream project can do to manage its dependencies tightly is to
use so-called "wraps" that patch build system definitions from the
internet on top of an arbitrary upstream source that does not support meson
yet. So for gtest there is [1], which ships a zip for 1.10.0 at [2] that
contains three files and one

Would it be possible for googletest in Debian to ship these files
alongside the source in the library packages? That way packages could
build-depend on libgtest-dev without requiring them to use CMake.

Kind regards and thanks
Philipp Kern


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