HI Andy,

On  Fr 10 Jul 2020 20:03:06 CEST, Andy Dorman wrote:

Package: php-horde
Version: 5.2.21+debian1-1
Severity: important

Dear Maintainer,

This is similar to #778750, but different enough that it probably needs a separate ticket.

We use Horde for it's very complete and robust webmail component.

Over the years we have developed over 100 different themes (most are simple color variations),
all stored in /usr/share/horde/themes/...

yorick:/etc# ls /usr/share/horde/themes/
azur          chargers-SD         luc           mustangs-THHS
bluemoon      chargers-UAH         lucblue           mustangs-TMC
bluewhite      chargers-UNH         mobile           NeXTgrey
bulldogs-AAM      cornflower         mountaineers-ASU       postnuke
bulldogs-C      deacons-BC         mountaineers-BC       print
bulldogs-default  deacons-default    mountaineers-default  purple
bulldogs-FSU      deacons-EBC         mountaineers-EHS       shadow
bulldogs-FU      deacons-WFU         mountaineers-EOU       silver
bulldogs-GU      default         mountaineers-LHS       simplex
bulldogs-H      fadetogreen         mountaineers-MBHS       sounds
bulldogs-LTU      fanmail         mountaineers-MSMC       tango-blue
bulldogs-MSU      fanmail.css         mountaineers-MU       usarmy
bulldogs-SU      fanmail-login.css  mountaineers-SHS       usarmy1
bulldogs-UGA      fanmail_login.css  mountaineers-SVC       usarmy10
bulldogs-YU      gamecocks-default  mountaineers-WHS       usarmy11
burntorange      gamecocks-JSU      mountaineers-WSC       usarmy12
camo          gamecocks-SCHS     mountaineers-WVU       usarmy13
camouflage      gamecocks-SHS      mozilla           usarmy14
chargers-AA      gamecocks-USC      mustangs-CPSU       usarmy15
chargers-ACC      gennevilliers      mustangs-default       usarmy2
chargers-BCU      graphics         mustangs-KMHS       usarmy3
chargers-CSHS      green             mustangs-MC       usarmy4
chargers-default  grey             mustangs-MIC       usarmy5
chargers-ELCA      hi-contrast         mustangs-MSU       usarmy6
chargers-ETHS      hotpink         mustangs-RVHS       usarmy7
chargers-McCHS      ideas             mustangs-SMSU       usarmy8
chargers-NHS      lavander         mustangs-SMU       usarmy9
chargers-PCHS      lightblue         mustangs-stjbb

Possibly this was not the correct way to handle color themes?

When we tried to update this server yesterday we saw several thousand dpkg errors like this,
one for every directory & file in our themes directory:

dpkg-maintscript-helper: error: file '/usr/share/horde/themes/usarmy10' not owned by package 'php-horde'

And finally after all the individual file and directory errors...

dpkg-maintscript-helper: error: directory '/usr/share/horde/themes' contains files not owned by package php-horde, cannot switch to symlink

dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/php-horde_5.2.23+debian0-4_all.deb (--unpack): new php-horde package pre-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1

If our situation is unique and it is too much trouble to handle our case,
we are fine with doing the appropriate file moves and adding symlinks manually, but we do not know what needs to be done. Any help in that direction would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Thanks for reporting this. Note that #778750 has been settled meanwhile. With just the default theme, the package upgrade flow now works.

The question now is, how to handle custom themes copied to /usr/share/horde/[<app>/]themes.

My suggestion would be:

* abort if custom theme folders are detected and provide a debconf notification
    that tells what to do (move the custom theme folders out of the way, or
    rather to: /etc/horde/themes-available.d/<theme-name>/<app>
* then we need a nice script "horde-enable-theme" (and "horde-disable-theme")
    to get the symlinking in /etc/horde/themes-enabled.d/<app>/<theme-name>

Please note, that <app> and <theme-name> are swapped in themes-available.d and themes-enabled.d

The above explanation should also show how to deal with your personal upgrade.

Other than that: would you be interested in shipping your theme variations as a Debian package?


c\o Technik- und Ökologiezentrum Eckernförde
Mike Gabriel, Marienthaler Str. 17, 24340 Eckernförde
mobile: +49 (1520) 1976 148
landline: +49 (4351) 850 8940

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