usertag + buggy-profile

On Sunday, March 29, 2020 4:42:18 AM EDT you wrote:
> user
> usertag - buggy-profile
> thanks
> On Sat, Mar 28, 2020 at 10:06:43PM -0400, John Scott wrote:
> > User:
> > Usertags: buggy-profile
> Sorry, no.
> Just because we didn't have the TOFU trust model in mind the
> profile is "buggy"?
> It is *your* decision to set it. So *you* have to deal with fallout.
> One can't just support any possible configuration.
> One of which is to file this report, the other one is to use the
> "default" trust model?
I think there's a misunderstanding. I realize with no GnuPG 2 abstraction it's 
not your job to work around this. The usertag 'buggy-profile' merely indicates 
that it is an issue caused by AppArmor, not that you're responsible to fix it. 
Please see their usertag definitions [1].

I hoped that filing a bug might would demonstrate the need to make a good 
abstraction and bring it to the AppArmor team's attention. I don't mean to 
play ping-pong, but since I think this was a misunderstanding I am reinstating 
the usertag. You are right to mark it as 'wontfix' since LibreOffice isn't the 
right place to enumerate the intricacies of GnuPG.

> > - -- Configuration Files:
> > /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.libreoffice.program.soffice.bin changed [not
> > included] * I had set it to complain mode
> It is in complain mode per default anyway.
In general LibreOffice is in complain mode, but libreoffice-soffice//gpg is 
by default. This was acknowledged in #899380 message 38 at the time, which 
happened to also be filed by me and was shown to cause LibreOffice to hang.

It got put into enforce mode again from my local modifications upgrading to 
LibreOffice 7 which reminded me of this bug today.


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