Hello Thorsten,

On 2020-07-17 4:39 p.m., Thorsten Alteholz wrote:
> do you make progress with uploading puppet-development-kit? Do you need
> a hand?

thanks for suggesting your help!

the current situation is that I've packaged "most of the dependencies"
with help from folks in the ruby team.

I've sent a progression update on the puppet packaging list:


to summarize the current status:

* I'm stuck on ruby-spdx-licenses : I've asked upstream and SPDX about
what licensing should be applied to the .json file that the library
"vendors" and I still haven't received any feedback from SPDX. I
*believe* that some form of creative commons license could apply given
what I've found on their website (see details on the puppet pkg mailing
  * this also blocks metadata-json-lint -- maybe we can start work on
packaging this thing regardless of the licensing issues for
spdx-licenses, then we'll be closer to the goal.

* I've worked on ruby-pathspec and I'm almost done with it. if I can
find some free time soon, I'll try and upload it to debian archives.

* the next "easy" batch of dependencies is ruby-rspec-puppet-facts,
facterdb and jgrep.

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