On Wed, 29 Jul 2020 21:03:19 +0200 valha...@trueelena.org wrote:
> I've added an example configuration to the repository:
> https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/applications/bepasty/-/blob/debian/master/debian/examples/bepasty-uwsgi.conf.example

> I'm using it with nginx and lighttpd, not apache; I don't expect that to
> be an issue, but I can't exclude it; please let me know if it's working
> for you.

I haven't tested fully, but I am able to access the login page.
Here are the relevant files, if anyone is interested:


> How urgently to you need this in an uploaded package? I don't have plans
> for an upload soon (unless upstream releases a new version, of course),
> so if you need this example in the package for it to be useful I can do
> one with just this change.

No rush. I can use a copy for now, and replace it with the packaged file when 
it's released.

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