Hello Gustavo,

Am 31.07.20 um 08:49 schrieb Gustavo Gutiérrez:
Hello Carsten!

My bad, too many years using other distributions embedded with a "store" to install software...

What I actually meant by "store" was the Software app (Gnome software) that is delivered by default within Debian. I installed Thunderbird from there:

o.k. I see.
I've tried to readjust your case in a Buster installation, it was working without problems. So your user profile is causing problems or some other Add-On.

This is important, if I don't change the language after installing it, Thunderbird works just fine but if I add more languages and select e.g. English UK or Spanish Spain, the UI breaks, the only way I found out to fix it back was to delete the folder ".thunderbird" that gets created in my home folder every time I open Thunderbird.

The question is how do you install other languages?
My guess would be you install XPI packages you search through the Add-On managing. This should and must work, if not in 90% of such or similar cases your user profile is somehow broken. If you use such external package you are on your own, Debian can't support such use cases

You can of course do this, but for languages Debian is providing language specific packages you just need to install through the preferred package managers (e.g. apt, aptitude, synaptics, ...). You will never have to deal with updates of these packages manually as this is done automatically once you (or some automatic way) install a newer version of Thunderbird.

After battling a little bit, I gave up upon using Software app in order to install TB and finally install Snap store to  install their Snap, I don't like that way but I needed to get back to work asap. Thunderbird is stable in Debian when installed from the Snap store.

It's also very stable if you install it from the Debian archive. ;) Bug reports happen just once per month approximately. For packages from the Snap repositories the Debian package maintainers can't say anything about their quality nor possible side effects due different behavior on some corner cases. If a user is using Snapd packages and has problems the user needs to get in contact with the snapd package maintainers. That's not the case here.

I wish I can get you a screen capture but that wouhttps://wiki.debian.org/Thunderbird#Bug_Reporting_.2F_Issuesld mean I have to uninstall TB then reinstall it using GSoftware, change languages and restart TB, that would be inconvenient tonight but I will gladly do it during the weekend.

Not needed, you have locally all tools available to check the current state.

First you should make a backup of user TB profile or of the complete folder that holds all user profiles. The name of the correct folder is depending on the age of the used folder. And if I talk about Thunderbird then of course I mean Thunderbird from the Debian archive. So maybe you need to hide the Snapd of Thunderbird if you want to use this.

Debian has used a rebranded Thunderbird version for a long time that was called Icedove. So the folder you need to to look for is called '.icedove' or '.thunderbird' and you will find it within your $HOME.

The simplest thing you can do is

 $ cp -a .icedove .icedove-bkp-$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S')

in case your base folder is named .icedove and .thunderbird is a symlink to this folder.
Othwerwise you need to make a backup of the folder .thunderbird.

 $ cp -a .thunderbird .thunderbird-bkp-$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S')

Next I would remove possible locally installed language packages from you user profile. Exit Thunderbird so it's not running any more.

Check if you have installed some language package for Thunderbird. Looks in my case like this:

$ dpkg -l | grep thunderbird
ii  thunderbird                           1:78.1.0-1                            
       amd64        mail/news client with RSS, chat and integrated spam filter 
ii  thunderbird-l10n-de                   1:78.1.0-1                            
       all          German language package for Thunderbird

Have a look at the required package you need to install and install the package if required.

$ LANG= apt search thunderbird-l10n
Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done
thunderbird-l10n-all/testing,testing 1:68.10.0-1 all
  All language packages for Thunderbird (meta)

thunderbird-l10n-ar/testing,testing 1:68.10.0-1 all
  Arabic language package for Thunderbird

thunderbird-l10n-ast/testing,testing 1:68.10.0-1 all
  Asturian language package for Thunderbird
... [snip]

In case you have sudo running:
$ sudo apt thunderbird-l10n-de

Otherwise you need to become root and install then the package.

That's basically all you need to do, given the information from your issue report you are running locally LANG=es_MX.UTF-8, you will need to install the package thunderbird-l10n-es-es.

Restart Thunderbird and you should see the UI in Spain.

If not that something in your profile is breaking the automatics in the back. very often some Add-On is causing this. The Debian wiki [1] has some further information how to solve such issues.

You also can try to start with a complete clean fresh user profile. Simply remove your user profile folder after quitting Thunderbird and restart Thunderbird (ensure the backup first!). I'm really sure TB will than start with a Spain UI.

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/Thunderbird#Bug_Reporting_.2F_Issues


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