Am 04.08.20 um 19:14 schrieb Kai Lüke:
> Hi,
> in my case this was caused by the resolvconf-pull-resolved.path unit
> which continuously triggered the resolvconf-pull-resolved.service unit.
> I checked if the trigger was valid but there were no write events which
> should cause the trigger:
>   inotifywait -m -e modify /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf
>   Setting up watches.
>   Watches established.
>   # no further output
> Starting the service unit actually works but because it starts so often,
> it hits the restart burst limit and is reported as failed (but still
> will be started immediately again).
> A workaround was to remove the resolvconf package which was not really
> needed in my case anyway, I guess.
> Would be good to see if the PathChanges is broken in general and then
> report this upstream.

I installed resolvconf on a test VM and could not reproduce the issue.

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