On 3/8/20 1:28 pm, Ben Hutchings wrote:

(topic of making a gtk2 v Qt5 ...)

> I am only talking about what should be done in an official Debian
> package here.  It you build a generic binary for Linux then Gtk+ 2 may
> well be the better option.

I am talking specificially about Buster and Bullseye, in their default
install both arrive with GTK2 installed but not Qt5.  Qt5 is a 50Meg to
65Meg addition and nullifies  tomboy-ng's claim its a small install at
only 5Meg. 

I would prefer to offer (via eg backports) both gtk2 and Qt5. For an
install that does not already have GTK2, then Qt5 is a no brainer, GTK2
is a 200Meg install.  But right now, GTK2 seems to be staying with us. 
I have tested my build scripts, a one line change is all thats needed.

(topic of 32bit Qt5 Lazarus apps)

> Debian has it for 32-bit and 64-bit Arm and x86 architectures, plus
> 32-bit MIPS.

Its common knowledge that Lazarus Qt5 on 32bit Linux is not practicable.
But I don't know why. So, built a VM and, as you suggest, there is no
problem at all.  So, like a lot of common knowledge, its wrong !  I have
corrected the Lazarus wiki on that subject. So, no blocker at all to
providing Qt5 64/32 bit packages.  

I have not worked with MIPS for a long time and not yet tried anything
aarch64, RasPi still using a 32bit OS.

> You should probably join the debian-mentors mailing list and send any
> questions there.

Yes, I am sure you are right and thanks for the advice. And thanks for
opening my eyes wrt 32bit Qt !


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