On 2020-08-05 09:56, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
On 8/5/20 5:30 PM, Joel Johnson wrote:
Thanks, I'll comment out the additional blacklist entries and test with that package installed. Those lines aren't harmful in any other way that
I see, but just unexpected from your original response?

Correct. The additional blacklist entries should be completely harmless,
I was just curious to investigate why you needed them because in the
"expected" bumblebee-nvidia setup they should not be needed at all. I
just learned that we allow some "unusual" bumblebee-nvidia setups (like
yours) that were probably not intended (and will likely be disabled in a
future upload).

In initial testing I installed the additional nvidia metapackage, commented out the additional lines in my /etc/modprobe.d/bumblebee.conf, regenerated initramfs, and rebooted. That does seem to have worked as neither the modeset or drm drivers appear to be loaded automatically.

Updating of the dependencies and/or addition of the additional module blacklists as an additional safety check works for me, thanks!


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