Am 11.08.2020 um 01:48 teilte Norbert Preining mit:
> On Mon, 10 Aug 2020, Hilmar Preuße wrote:


>> It is contained in the orig.tar.gz one gets from github.
>> @Norbert: I guess you us the file from CTAN, where the file is missing.
>> Correct?
> No, I am using the releas tarballs from sourceforge.
...which is identical to that on CTAN.

> We need to report upstream. I am currently travelling will try to do the
> next days.
Let me see what I can do. Where do I report: @sf or @github? The tracker
on sf seems to be rather inactive.

> For now we can include it using a debian/patch I guess.
@Ryan: I 've built a package containing the file:

Let me know if that solves the issue.


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