Hi Salavatore,

I have kernel "linux-image-4.19.0-10-amd64/stable,now 4.19.132-1 amd64" installed, so it should already include the mentioned commit, if I understand correctly (I'm a bit confused by the two different version numbers used by Debian). I have also tried the most recent kernel "linux-image-5.6.0-0.bpo.2-amd64/buster-backports 5.6.14-2~bpo10+1 amd64". For both kernels, I see the two kworker processes with high CPU load.



Am 12.08.20 um 18:05 schrieb Salvatore Bonaccorso:

Just commenting on the following:

On Wed, Aug 12, 2020 at 05:53:57PM +0200, Dirk Kostrewa wrote:
What puzzles me, is that I've observed these oddly behaving kworker
processes also with the 5.6 kernel that I've tried from the Buster Backports
The mentioned commit, is included in the following upstream versions
(relevant for Debian): v4.19.119 (so in buster), v5.6.8 (and so the
buster-backports kernel), v5.7-rc3.


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