Control: tag -1 + wontfix


Antonio Terceiro (2020-08-17):
> That script was shipped as an example in /usr/share/docs/, and that is
> not a published interface.
> We can even re-introduce it at some point, but IMO if you want to rely
> on it for any kind of automation, you should copy it into your own
> system.

Fair enough :)

I'm thus tagging this bug wontfix, assuming nobody else cares and has
more a stronger need for shipping this script in Debian: as long as we
(Tails) don't use the copy shipped by the package, the main burden is
keeping our own copy up-to-date, and then doing this from upstream Git
is not much more costly than relying on a packaged version.

Thank you for having taken the time to consider my request!

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