Em 24/08/2020 04:14, Adam Borowski escreveu:
> On Sun, Aug 23, 2020 at 04:00:07PM -0300, Fabio Augusto De Muzio Tobich wrote:
>> Em 23/08/2020 10:19, Adam Borowski escreveu:
>>> On Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 02:48:16PM -0300, Fabio Augusto De Muzio Tobich 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Em 21/08/2020 05:54, Adam Borowski escreveu:
>>>>> On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 09:12:51PM -0300, Fabio Augusto De Muzio Tobich 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>   * Package name    : eqonomize
>>>>>>     Version         : 1.5.0-1
>>>>> Hi, it fails autopkgtest:
>> Got the fail with sbuild + schroot and I believe your bet is correct.
>> I've modified the test to fix this and get it running right, no matter
>> the tool, and I believe it's good now.
> It does pass now, but...
> .--====[ debian/tests/openfile ]
> cp debian/examples/housekeeping_book.eqz $AUTOPKGTEST_TMP
> xvfb-run -a eqonomize $AUTOPKGTEST_TMP/housekeeping_book.eqz &
> EQOPID=`ps ax | grep -e 'eqonomize.*housekeeping_book.eqz' | grep -v grep | 
> awk '{print
> if [ -z $EQOPID ]; then
>     exit 1
> else
>     kill -9 $EQOPID
> fi
> exit 0
> `----
> It's racey: will fail if "ps" runs before xvfb-run progresses past the point
> of spawning the child process.
> And then, what is this test even supposed to check?  The only thing is does
> is checking that eqonomize doesn't exit immediately -- which, for a GUI
> program with a ton of library dependencies, probably means it won't even
> enter main() by the time "ps" does its thing, still being in the process of
> loading libraries.
> So this test is pointless even if it passes, and I'd recommend either:
> * adding a few seconds of sleep between xvfb-run and ps (so it at least has
>   a chance to pop up a window / crash), or
> * dropping this test altogether

The intention of the test was to avoid what was happening when I first came 
this package, when I tried to use it and it's crashed everytime before even 
open the
main window.

But I understand your point and I need to come up with a better way to test 
this, so,
for now, I accepted your recommendation and dropped this last test. Thanks a 
lot for
your help on this.

Mentors[1] and salsa[2] updated.

[2] https://salsa.debian.org/debian/eqonomize


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