Control: tag -1 found net-snmp/5.9+dfsg-1

libsnmp40 also depends on libmariadb3, resulting in various mysql/maria-db 
packages to be installed.

Dependency on libmariadb3:
libsnmp30: yes
libsnmp35: no
libsnmp40: yes

On 2009-02-19,
89790417ce407b1610101b6d0caa7e916fd102b1 added support for MySQL and hasn't 
been changed since.

I actually don't understand why a (net-)SNMP library has a *dependency* on a 
database to begin with (let alone MySQL). 
I understand that people want to store the information *after* the exchange of 
the info, but that should be decoupled from "a framework for the exchange of 
management information".
Logically, I think a "Suggests" relation is appropriate and I can even live 
with a "Recommends" as that still allows me to keep MySQL off my systems.
My 0.02

$ aptitude safe-upgrade -s
Resolving dependencies...                
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  libmariadb3{a} libsnmp40{a} mariadb-common{a} mysql-common{a} 
The following packages will be REMOVED:
The following packages will be upgraded:
  libsane sane-utils

So not only mariadb-common, but also mysql-common ?!?

Sorry about the rant

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