Control: owner -1 !

Ok, finally found time \o/, but did not have enough to complete the review :-(

(The review is based on the package from mentors uploaded 2020-09-10 19:38.)

Not yetreviewed:
dep3-headers on patches, d/changelog and d/copyright as Alec is actively
working on those (as per private mail)
Two remarks:
- d/changelog You could bumpt the timestamp on the changelog from time to time, 
;-): dch -r "" is a nice trick ;-)
- (nitpick) d/changelog Please be consitent on the Closes: Stancas
  - Line 2 says Closes: 948702, line 3 says Closes #962213. Please use
    either with '#' or without '#' … just for my eyes to relief…

- you can drop opencpn-plugins; I guess this is for people who
  installed before Debian had the package. OK to keep the
  Break/Replace until opencpn has been released with a Debian stable
  release. (I cant check if the version constraint is right, because "<<"
  is strictly earlier, that means 4.8.6~20180801.8d20a06+dfsg.1 was the
  first version with an empty plugins package?; It would be safe to us <<
  4.8.8~, though. Update: #917561 seems to indicate that this change was
  actually introduced in 4.8.8+dsfg.1-1 -- so the above restriction would
  be too old…)
- is wx3.0-i18n really required to run opencpn? Maybe Recommends is
- opencpn recommends binutils. Can you say why, its a bit unusual for
  non-development applications.

d/opencpn.install and d/rules…
There are some issues, I'll follow up later on those,
probably with a patch/MR (hint to update salsa, see below).

- is appearantly recreated during build, it should be
  deleted via d/clean. (Then debuild twice will work, too)

In the override
- instead of making the links to the licenses, you could use dh_links(1)

- the plugin *.so are not installed in an multiarch aware path.

- theres a trailing space in README.source (use wrap-and-sort(1) ;-))

- please enable salsa-ci on the packaging repo…

(wishlist items related to README.Debian)
- I see docs are not packaged for privacy reasons. Could they be when
  the docs being patches (not an unseen in Debian)?
  (e.g I hate it if the docs are not matching the version I have
  installed, as often the docs for the newer version won't apply well
- (as you are upstream-involved, this is probably easy to fix on your
  side:) The plugin code could also look into alternative directories…
  - The /usr/share/ hierachicy is reserved for packaged stuff, so
    encouraging users to copy stuff there is a bit meeeh; it can
    create problems when e.g a new package provides this file.
  - So probably /usr/local/… or /opt/… would be a better
  - Additionally, when users should be able to install plugins without
    being root, something like $HOME/.local/… (not sure if this is
    consenus in Debian, though)

- dont forget to push to salsa…;-) -- I can also review from there
  (only for the final upload I prefer to do with a package from
   mentors, just to make sure that I upload the right orig.tar.)
  Plus I can offer MRs instead of snarky comments ;-)


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