On Sun, 13 Sep 2020 15:27:24 +0200 Tobias Frost <t...@debian.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 13, 2020 at 02:50:43PM +0200, Tobias Frost wrote:
> > On Sun, Sep 13, 2020 at 01:23:41PM +0200, Alec Leamas wrote:

> More stuff. Lintian this time.
> - Lintian overrides
> Lintian overrides should only be used if Lintian is wrong, not to silence problems > (even if the problems are not actionable right now, like patches not yet forwarded)
> So time to clean those up…
> As a bonus, after cleaning those will be fixed:
> E: opencpn source: malformed-override Unknown tag testsuite-autopkgtest-missing in line 2 > P: opencpn source: renamed-tag send-patch => patch-not-forwarded-upstream in line 14
> This override should not be using a wildcard, but exactly match the false postive only.
> # False positive from translations.
> spelling-error-in-binary usr/bin/opencpn *

Done, as well as some general cleanup. Nothing about patches is overridden, things became so much easier after updating sid thus getting rid of what might have been multiple lintian bugs.Still overriding warnings about get-orig-source and doc files used in runtime. Personally, I find the comments used in the override files a nice way to document things which looks peculiar in the package.

In the end it's a choice, I guess.

> You should looking into setting up sbuild, pbuilder or some of that kind tools:

> This will allow you to build in a clean enviornment without the need to have

I'm using cowbuilder. But then again, it must also be updated. I'm probably damaged  by my Fedora roots, where corresponding tools just sort of works. Need to learn.

Uploading a new version. Timestamp at mentors: 2020-09-14 07:53


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