On Wed, 16 Sep 2020 00:52:30 +0200 Axel Beckert wrote:

> Control: tag -1 + unreproducible
> Hi Francesco,
> sorry for the very late reply.

Hello Axel, thanks for your reply all the same.

> Francesco Poli (wintermute) wrote:
> > As soon as I start it, it complains on stdout (and Gtk complains on
> > stderr):
> > 
> >   $ systray-mdstat 
> >   no notify because setup failed: 
> >   Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is 
> > discouraged.
> > 
> > In the meanwhile, a dialog window appears, informing me that all my md
> > devices are OK.
> A dialog window? It should be a notification, no real window.

Well, I would call it a dialog window, since I have to click on the OK
button, in order to (cleanly) close it...
Please see the attached screenshot (or, rather, "windowshot").

> > But then, why the complaint on stdout?
> I don't know and can't remember that I ever saw that myself (and at
> least currently can't reproduce it).

I still see this complaint:

  $ systray-mdstat
  no notify because setup failed:

By looking at the code, it seems that the complaint is generated
because some exception is caught:

 66     try {
 67         Glib::Object::Introspection->setup(
 68             basename => 'Notify',
 69             version => '0.7',
 70             package => "Systray::Mdstat::Notify",
 71             );
 72         Systray::Mdstat::Notify->init();
 73     } catch {
 74         say "no notify because setup failed: $@";
 75         $use_notify = 0;
 76     };

Does this ring some bell?

> > I haven't found any trace of needed setup in the documentation.
> There is none. Should work out of the box and does for me. :-/

Well, it does seem to work, but it complaints at each start...

> > Moreover, I would love to see Gtk stop complaining.
> > Is there anything that can be done to fix the issue reported by Gtk,
> > if it is an issue at all?
> I must admit, I have no idea.

The Gtk complaint is gone, so never mind!

> In case you're curious, you could build the soon-to-be 1.2.0-1 package
> from a git checkout of https://github.com/xtaran/systray-mdstat and if
> that fixes it, I'll close the bug report with the upload. Otherwise,
> I'd wait for your feedback after uploading 1.2.0-1 and then
> retroactively close this bug report if it's fixed.

I am overwhelmed, so I am afraid I won't have much time to build the
package myself.
Please ping me, when the new version is in Debian testing (or, at
least, in unstable): I will give it a try.

Thanks for any help you may provide.

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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