I've done some more digging, and it looks like the delay isn't related
to the new version, or to moosic at all. It happens only with WAV files
played by sox; my best guess is that it's a matter of how sox handles
things internally, such that when it gets SIGSTOP or suchlike it (I
imagine) lets a buffer run empty before fully stopping.

While investigating that, I also ran into two intermittent problems with
the unpause command (and various related commands): one that occurs only
with ogg123, and one that so far occurs only with MPlayer (which isn't
used in the default moosic config). The latter isn't strictly moosic's
problem, and I don't see anything moosic can do about it; the former
isn't either, but moosic can avoid it by changing the way it handles
sending SIGCONT when the target process is ogg123, so I've added a patch
that does that. I haven't provided it here, since it's not related to
the Python 3 transition, but it can follow later separately if

At least the MPlayer-related problem has been confirmed, with testing,
to also occur with the existing 1.5.6 Python 2 version of moosic. From
my understanding of the other two problems, I fully expect them to occur
there as well. As best I can determine, none of them are new issues.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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