Clément wrote:
However, it might not be the only problem, as a symlink from
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb to /usr/share/X11/xkb does not resolve the
problem (although the error is no longer due to file anavailability) :

haven:~$ setxkbmap -rules xorg -layout us -model pc105
Error loading new keyboard description

Well this does not work, but restarting X fixes the problem in X, so it might not be related after all :)

Clement Hermann (nodens)
- "L'air pur ? c'est pas en RL, ça ? c'est pas hors charte ?"
Jean in L'Histoire des Pingouins,

Vous trouverez ma clef publique sur le serveur public
Please find my public key on the public keyserver

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