Hi Chris,

I'm sorry for I missed your follow-up. Next time, be aware that it never
takes me more than a few days to reply to a mail normally, so just ping
me, either by email again, or over IRC (I'm zigo in #debian-openstack on
the OFTC network, or in many channels on Freenode).

Since it took that long, and we both need the package for Victoria, I
opened a new project on Salsa at:


and pushed all changes I thought were needed. Please do have a look to
what I've done, as all of these were needed before the upload. I tried
to do atomic commits so they are easy to review.

Also, as I wrote, please join the Python team, so you can push in our
repository (otherwise, you'll be asking for merge requests, which is

Also, since all of the upstream sources are released under a BSD
license, I thought that using Apache-2 for the packaging isn't
appropriate, and I've put it under the BSD-2-clause license as well, to
avoid license conflicts. I hope you're ok with that.

The package is now lintian clean, so I've uploaded it. It's now in the
FTP master NEW queue.


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

On 9/14/20 9:05 AM, Chris MacNaughton wrote:
> Hey!
>> Are you a recent addition to the James Page team?
> Not really, been on the OpenStack Engineering team for five years now,
> moved into doing packaging stuff ~six months ago though :)
>> It's nice if we can do more things together with Canonical, so
>> definitively yes. Is it James or Corey that suggested writing to me?
> Neither, I figured that Debian would need python-zstd as well for
> Victoria since Cinder decided to add it as a dependency and that, as I
> was already doing that work to enable Ubuntu to move forward, I could
> share that work with you (and Debian in general)!
>> I'd prefer if the package was moved to the Python team, rather than in
>> Launchpad, with which I have no experience working with (I'm not saying
>> that's wrong, just that I have no idea how to interact with Ubuntu
>> stuff).
> I Just put it on Launchpad since that's where I was, obviously happy to
> move it to salsa!
>>  So, please get yourself an account on salsa.debian.org, and also
>> please ask to join the team by sending a message to
>> debian-pyt...@lists.debian.org (please register to the list). I'll vouch
>> for you there if needed.
> Will do!
>> Now, concerning your package, here's my sponsoring review.
>> 1/ Please remove:
>> [buildpackage]
>> export-dir = ../build-area
>> from debian/gbp.conf. This is personal choices to move to ~/.gbp.conf
>> and that have nothing to do in the packaging.
>> 2/ if you're using pristine-tar, I'm not sure why you've set:
>> upstream-tag = %(version)s
>> in debian/gbp.conf. Can you explain? (I'm really candidly asking, maybe
>> there's a reason...)
> This is likely to be an artifact of the "make a debian package from a
> python package" cookiecutter thing that James made, will follow up with
> him asking about it but remove it in the meantime!
>> 3/ Please file an ITP for the package, and close it in debian/changelog.
>> See https://wiki.debian.org/ITP if you don't know what an ITP is.
> Tried to do this on Fridya, apparently my machine doesn't like sending
> things with reportbug. Sent again this morning.
>> 4/ Please set as Debian version, rather than
> This is what happens when you use `dch` from Ubuntu, updating!!
>> 5/ debian/copyright is wrong (the upstream package isn't released under
>> Apache-2.0), I guess you know that already. Please come back with a
>> correct one.
> Done.
>> 6/ The package is *not* arch: all. It's building a .so object. Lintian
>> is reporting it, so you should have spotted it. If you don't yet run
>> lintian automatically in your builds, then you should...
> Annoying, using `gbp buildpackage...` isn't reporting that:
> Now running lintian python-zstd_1.4.5.1-1_source.changes ...
> Finished running lintian.
>> Also, for such package, you must build-depends on python3-all-dev, not
>> just on python3-dev, so that your package can build for all versions of
>> Python, which is needed when we transition to a new version, which is
>> going to happen soon in Sid: we will have both 3.8 and 3.9 available,
>> and your package must support both.
>> Of such package, you also must have your package depends on
>> ${shlibs:Depends} (on top of  ${misc:Depends} and ${python3:Depends}).
>> I hope the above helps. Please get back to me when all of this is fixed,
>> and when you're accepted in the Debian Python team (and when you've
>> pushed the package sources there). Also please add me as Uploaders: so I
>> can also manage the package.
> Done and done!
> I've got the new version of the package up at
> https://salsa.debian.org/icey/python-zstd now, would appreciate a follow
> up review on that!
> Thanks again,
> Chris MacNaughton (icey)

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