On 2 Oct 2020, at 10:45, Andreas Tille 
<andr...@fam-tille.de<mailto:andr...@fam-tille.de>> wrote:
Please inspect


That is the right place for configure options.

(and also your hint to the pull request

That looks correct.

See HTSlib's INSTALL file for details. Packagers such as yourselves should set 
with-plugin-path thus so that plugins in both /usr/local and /usr will be used; 
If Debian still folds /usr/libexec into /usr/lib or nearby, you may wish to 
adjust both --with-plugin-dir and --with-plugin-path.

I guess you mean that I need to make sure that

There is no need to patch configure.ac to alter this. Just add 
--with-plugin-dir='$(libdir)/htslib' as another configure option.

I see Debian policy at last now blesses FHS 3.0, which includes libexec. 
However you may not wish to be in the vanguard of this, so that 
/usr/lib/ARCH/htslib would indeed appear to be the existing-Debian-style 
appropriate place under /usr. For /usr/local, any third-party instructions are 
likely to recommend installing their plugin into /usr/local/libexec/htslib, so 
I would recommend configuring with

--enable-plugins --with-plugin-dir='$(libdir)/htslib' 

as being the most flexible for your users. (These directories are just scanned 
for files matching hfile_*.so; it is not an error if any of them does not 

BTW it looks like htslib-s3-plugin.7.gz has ben placed in libhts3 basically by 
default, although that is the right package for it. IMHO that would also be the 
right package for man5/*.5.gz as these are man pages aimed at users (not just 
developers) but YMMV.

How can I verify / test the correct setting?

By observing the -DPLUGINPATH=… setting that goes past in the log when plugin.c 
is compiled; by running `strings` on libhts.so; or by seeing what directories 
are scanned via e.g. `strace htsfile foo:bar 2>&1|grep O_DIRECTORY`.



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