Le 07/10/2020 à 16:49, gregor herrmann a écrit :
> On Wed, 07 Oct 2020 10:32:42 +0200, Xavier Guimard wrote:
>> Since all dh-sequence-* build dependencies are virtual packages, cme
>> should ignore related warnings.
> Right, the handling of dh-sequence-* could be improved.
> Currently it's an array of static entries in 
> lib/Config/Model/Dpkg/Dependency.pm
> (@virtual_list) which is then converted into a hash which is then
> checked to exclude warnings. Maybe adding a regexp to
>         if ( @res == 0 and not $virtual_hash{$pkg}) {   
> would be enough? Like (untested pseudo-code)
>     … and $pkg =! /^dh-sequence-.+/

Yes, sounds enough

> (and removing the list of dh-sequence-* packages from @virtual_list)

easy: no dh-sequence-* for now in this file ;-)

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