06.10.2020 20:48, Ondřej Surý пишет:
On Fri, 2 Oct 2020 at 16:18, Pavel <pavel2...@ngs.ru <mailto:pavel2...@ngs.ru>> wrote:

    >Well, yes, that’s intentional. See the changelog for 76 version
    for the background.

    I read #911832 for the background. Can you please explain a bit,
    how autopkgtests and force removal of previous PHP versions are
    Solution to force removal of previous PHP versions looks hasty. I
    clearly understand that better solution requires more time, however.
    But maybe it is still possible to find another/better solution?

No, I already spent hours on this.

If that is possible to do without spending too much your time, can you please describe a sequence how autopkgtests works and why/how they fail, to reproduce that behaviour locally?
In form like short guide:

1) Create Debian env from "testing"(?) repo
2) Install xxx packages from "testing"(?)
2) Install/update xxx packages from "unstable"(?)
3) Run... ? ... and get broken tests result....


Yes, then you need to use php-common from the personal repositories, not from Debian.

Thanks, that is acceptable solution, at least because we need to build custom pecl extensions packages anyway. Hope there will be no other changes which forbids other parts of this puzzle.

Thanks for your work.

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