Source: openmpi
Followup-For: Bug #971669

As far as goes, the other arches are picking it up from
--with-pmix=/usr/lib/<arch>/pmix2  (i.e.--with-pmix=$(LIBDIR)/pmix2)
added to dh_auto_configure in the PMIX variable in debian/rules.

This external pmix is excluded from armel and mipsel by
  NO_PMIX_ARCH:= armel mipsel

On your abel build, did you change the setting of NO_PMIX_ARCH?

/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/pmix2/ is available for armel (and
mipsel).  Was breaking it breaking openmpi on those arches?

Not sure if that explains why _Get_version is undefined in, but it might explain why isn't being
built on the buildd.

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