On Sun, Feb 20, 2005 at 10:20:29PM +1100, Drew Parsons wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-02-11 at 10:38 +0100, Marcel Sebek wrote:
> > 
> > The answer to the question about DPI is ignored when doing install
> > or upgrade. It is only used when doing `dpkg-reconfigure xprt-common'.
> > 
> > * xprt-common/default_printer_resolution: 180
> You should find your setting of 180 is safely
> in /etc/Xprint/C/print/attributes/document, correct?

Not after fresh install. I did the following steps:

# apt-get remove --purge xprt-common
# apt-get install xprt-common
 I answered 180.
# less /etc/Xprint/C/print/attributes/document
 *default-printer-resolution: 600
# dpkg-reconfigure xprt-common
 I answered 180.
# less /etc/Xprint/C/print/attributes/document
 *default-printer-resolution: 180

> You would have been asked for this value via the debconf question the
> first time you upgraded the version which had the question.  Do you
> remember being asked the question?

Yes, I've been asked but the answer hasn't been reflected in

> After that, the debconf system assumes you're perfectly happy with the
> setting you made the first time, and does not bother you by asking the
> question again.  The value you chose is retained.  You subsequently
> change it to some other value by running dpkg-reconfigure manually.
> I think debconf is behaving correctly, so I'll close this bug soon.

Marcel Sebek

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