Dear Simon,

Thanks a lot for your answer.

On Wed, 11 Nov, 2020 at 10:32, Simon McVittie <> wrote:
Control: notfound -1 3.38.0-2
Control: found -1 3.38.1-2
Control: tags -1 + moreinfo

On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 at 00:46:39 +0100, Gali Drudis-Sole wrote:
After upgrading the system, locking the screen of gnome-shell under wayland,
 made it impossible to unlock the screen.

This works fine for me, and presumably other GNOME users, so there must be
something specific to your system that is relevant.

Good. I hope to find it.

What messages appeared in the system log (systemd journal) at the time that
this happened?

These two lines apear just after locking the system (gdm started with [debug] Enable=true). Nothing else is shown when I try to enter the password to unlock the screen:

Nov 11 23:04:29 mobian gsd-usb-protect[2319]: Error calling USBGuard DBus to change the protection after a screensaver event: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.usbguard1 was not provided by any .service files Nov 11 23:04:29 mobian gnome-shell[2141]: Bogus presentation time 0 travelled back in time, using current time.

Are you using any GNOME Shell extensions?


gir1.2-mutter-7 and libmutter-7-0 to version 3.38.0-2 solved the issue.

You reported this as a bug in version 3.38.0-2, but here you've said that version 3.38.0-2 *doesn't* have the bug. What version did you upgrade to
that triggered this? (For now I've assumed 3.38.1-2.)

Sorry, that was my error when reporting the bug. Version 3.38.0-2 DOES WORK, but upgrading to the current testing version (3.38-1.2) DOES NOT WORK.

 The system is a pinetab running mobian

Mobian is a Debian derivative, and is not identical to Debian. If this
is caused or triggered by a change made by Mobian, then changes in Debian
will not fix it.

It might be better to report bugs in Mobian to the Mobian developers.

You are right. It could be some change in mobian that is incompatible with the upgrade of gir1.2-mutter-7 and libmutter-7-0. If you think that's the case, I'll report the bug to Mobian developers, as you suggest.


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