On 11/12/20 5:57 PM, Rene Engelhard wrote:
retitle 974421 TexMaths 0.48.2 not working in Debian unstable

tagĀ  974421 + moreinfo

tag 974421 + unreproducible



Am 11.11.20 um 17:27 schrieb g.l. gragnani:
Of course, title should read:
TexMaths 0.48.2 NOT working in Debian unstable

You could have retitled it yourself....

Anyways, replying to this mail since the first one (apparently due to
the attachement, one could have written the error message as text, maybe
then it wouldn't have been caught by spam measures):

The last version of TexMaths (0.48.2) does not work with the packages provided 
by Debian.
Works fine here. sid VM. TexMaths 0.48.2 from the homepage.

clicked the "pi icon", entered \int_0^1 x^2 + \frac{1}{2} -> LaTeX. I do get 
the expected integral.

Maybe you should decribe what exactly does not work?
I can install TexMaths, but, as soon as I try to start it, it fails and the macro editor opens with the error shown
in the screenshot attached to my first report.
I'm not a specialist of Libreoffice, should there any action that I can do the get more info about this behavior, pleas let me know.

Instead, by using the deb packages provided by libreoffice.org all work as 
libreoffice.org has no "deb packages".
It has stuff put out of the build system into something which happens to be a container 
in "deb" format without following standards,
I won't call that packages.




Gian Luigi

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