Severity: serious
Tags: ftbfs
Justification: fails to build from source (but built successfully in the past)

MRS is an information retrieval system, used to index terabytes of text based 
databanks on a single machine. Mostly used in the medical and biological world.

The version of MRS in currently in Debian is based on libzeep version 3. 
Libzeep was in fact a spin off project from MRS.

I stopped development of MRS in 2012 when I switched to a new employer but I 
took libzeep with me. Since then, libzeep has evolved and changed a lot and now 
compatibility with MRS is broken.

I've submitted the new version of libzeep into debian (it is currently in 
unstable) but now MRS no longer builds and so I request to remove it from 
Debian until it is updated.

regards, -maarten

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