Here is my awful solution used sure only on my personal system:

~> cat /etc/fish/conf.d/
eval (/usr/bin/sh -c 'envfile=$(mktemp -t fish_importenv.XXXXXX) ; export | 
sort  > "$envfile" ; for f in $(ls /etc/profile.d/*.sh) ; do . "$f" ; done ; 
export | sort | comm -3 "$envfile" - | sed -r "s/export ([^=]+)=(.*)/set -x \1 
\2;/g" ; rm -f "$envfile"')

At least this working to set PATH also according to 
and IM_CONFIG_CHECK_ENV according to /etc/profile.d/

Here is a potential list of candidate packages:

~> apt-file search /etc/profile.d
bash-completion: /etc/profile.d/
byobu: /etc/profile.d/
chkboot: /etc/profile.d/
cloud-init: /etc/profile.d/
environment-modules: /etc/profile.d/
flatpak: /etc/profile.d/
gawk: /etc/profile.d/gawk.csh
gawk: /etc/profile.d/
im-config: /etc/profile.d/
junior-config: /etc/profile.d/
lammps: /etc/profile.d/lammps.csh
lammps: /etc/profile.d/
libvte-2.91-common: /etc/profile.d/
libvte-2.91-common: /etc/profile.d/vte.csh
lmod: /etc/profile.d/
med-config: /etc/profile.d/
mobile-tweaks-common: /etc/profile.d/
osc: /etc/profile.d/osc.csh
packagekit-command-not-found: /etc/profile.d/
pan-config: /etc/profile.d/
safe-rm: /etc/profile.d/
sbmltoolbox: /etc/profile.d/
science-config: /etc/profile.d/
sendfile: /etc/profile.d/sendfile
snapd: /etc/profile.d/
sumo: /etc/profile.d/sumo.csh
sumo: /etc/profile.d/
undistract-me: /etc/profile.d/
vala-panel-appmenu-common: /etc/profile.d/

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