On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 05:42:05PM +0100, ennio wrote:
> * Thomas Dickey <dic...@his.com> [281020, 20:09]:
> Ok, I'm enclosing the test-menu file 'p_menu.sh' and a shortned
> '.dialogrc' used for my many tests. I tried with a full .dialogrc file
> as well with the same identical results...
> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Run-time configuration file for dialog
> #
> # Automatically generated by "dialog --create-rc <file>"
> #
> #
> # Types of values:
> #
> # Number     -  <number>
> # String     -  "string"
> # Boolean    -  <ON|OFF>
> # Attribute  -  (foreground,background,highlight?)
> #
> # Shadow dialog boxes? This also turns on color.
> use_shadow = Off
> # Turn color support ON or OFF
> use_colors = ON 
> # Screen color - NB: il secondo colore determina il background
> screen_color = (CYAN,BLACK,ON) 
> # Dialog box color 
> dialog_color = (BLACK,BLACK,ON) 
> #okok(CYAN,BLACK,ON)
> # Dialog box title color
> title_color = (RED,BLACK,ON)
> # Dialog box border color - NB: interessa le righe super., infer. e a sx
> border_color = (CYAN,BLACK,ON)
> # Menu box color
> menubox_color = (cyan,black,on)
> # Menu box border color -> influenza angolo basso dx -> se si commenta,
> # sballano i colori ma le righe restano lì
> menubox_border_color = (CYAN,BLACK,ON)
> # Item color -> influenza la descrizione dgli item, a destra
> item_color = (CYAN,BLACK,ON) 
> # Selected item color
> item_selected_color = (white,red,on) 
> # Tag color -> influenza la parte sx degli item
> tag_color = (cyan,black,on)
> # Selected tag color
> tag_selected_color = (YELLOW,BLUE,ON)
> # Tag key color
> tag_key_color = (RED,WHITE,OFF)
> # Selected tag key color
> tag_key_selected_color = (white,red,on)
> # Up arrow color
> uarrow_color = (GREEN,WHITE,ON)
> # Down arrow color
> darrow_color = (GREEN,WHITE,ON)
> # Item help-text color
> itemhelp_color = (WHITE,BLACK,OFF)

The basic problem is that there are color combinations which aren't set.
Referring to samples/debian.rc, these at the end of the file are the
missing settings that deal with the border colors:

        # Dialog box border2 color
        border2_color = dialog_color

        # Input box border2 color
        inputbox_border2_color = dialog_color

        # Search box border2 color
        searchbox_border2_color = dialog_color

        # Menu box border2 color
        menubox_border2_color = dialog_color

In particular, the last one is what your configuration needs.

Offhand, I believe those were introduced here:

        + add color table entries for secondary borders, i.e., the ones that
          are normally drawn with the dialog's text-colors (Debian #641168).

Thomas E. Dickey <dic...@invisible-island.net>

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