
On 2020-11-04 at 21:09 (+01), Cristian Ionescu-Idbohrn wrote:


> IMO, my remarks and comments are all _but_ snide and stupid. The
> problem here, as I see it, is this maintainer's _arrogant_ attitude.

Michael, sorry to say, but Cristian is right:

I see no snide and stupid comments to the bug report and I'm actually
affected by this weird behaviour since a week or so, I must admit.

I'm still digging in to find the culprit (possibly, a particular version
of NM or MM that introduced the issue) but I need some more tests with
alternative setups to fully understand the situation (seems like systems
with both Wi-Fi and WWAN are affected).

I'm gonna let you know my findings in the real hope to fix the problem
as soon as possible, as it's quite annoying.


Matteo F. Vescovi || Debian Developer
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