Severity: normal
Usertags: remove

Dear FTP Masters,
Please, remove the protonvpn-cli from unstable because it is an upstream 
I transcribe below one of our emails:

"Hello Francisco,

My name is ***OMITTED*** and I work at Proton Technologies AG on ProtonVPN as a
linux client developer.
We're in the process of releasing the official CLI client, which is superseding
the current Community contributed one, which will therefore, become obsolete and
no longer maintained nor supported. We are going to host our own
Debian|CentOS|XXX repository, so that users can receive updates in the moment we
are releasing them. After the new client is going to be stable enough we intend
to apply for having it included into the official Debian repositories.
As of the moment, we kindly ask you to remove the present CLI from the official
repository in order to avoid versioning conflicts.

Best regards,

Francisco Vilmar Cardoso Ruviaro <>
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