Am 27. November 2020 04:18:06 MEZ schrieb Elliott Mitchell 
>The patch to have GRUB load a device-tree is interesting.  This is
>certainly worthy of discussion.
>Three issues come up when looking though:
>First, your patch modifies /etc/grub.d/10_linux, but misses
>/etc/grub.d/10_linux_xen.  /etc/grub.d/10_linux_xen needs a fairly
>similar treatment.
>Second, rather than having this get buried inside Debian bug #824954,
>should instead file a new bug against grub-common.
>Third, there may be a need for extra guarding to ensure these sections
>*only* get invoked on ARM devices (I'm fairly sure the *exact* *same*
>file is shipped for all architectures).

RISC-V uses device-trees too.
Some ARM devices use ACPI instead of device-trees.

The main issue is that fix-ups are not applied by U-Boot when GRUB loads the 
device-tree. A UEFI protocol for device tree fix ups would be needed. This 
issue has been discussed in this years Device Tree Evolution project 

Best regards


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