Control: tags -1 + wontfix

* Alberto Luaces <> [2020-11-27 17:47]:

On 27/11/20 9:37, Rafael Laboissière wrote:

I can reproduce the bug if I include the following in my ~/.inputrc.:

    set enable-bracketed-paste on

Could you please check that this is what is happening with your setting?

Thank you a lot for tracking this!

Well, I do not have a ~/.inputrc file, but if I create it and write

set enable-bracketed-paste off

the problem indeed goes away!

You might also include the following:

    $if Octave
    set enable-bracketed-paste off

Having brackted-paste enabled may be useful for certain applications. See:

I also have opened my /etc/inputrc and I did not find any "set enable-bracketed-paste on" line.

Thank you for this confirmation.  I am hereby tagging this bug "wontfix".



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