
Jim, le mar. 01 déc. 2020 17:29:52 -0800, a ecrit:
> https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/ch03s04.en.html 
> it states 512M RAM is the minimum required for gui desktop.  However in
> installing the 10.6 32bit livecd on a 32bit system with 784M RAM,

This link does not document the livecd image, but the installer only.

I added a note about this.

> I even tried this straight from the installer boot menu without
> loading the desktop into RAM first, with the same results.

Even that will not be the same installer image, only the pure installer
is documented there.

I just tried with qemu with 512M, it does install fine. With the
installer image and not the livecd, that is.


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