On Tue, 15 Dec 2020, George Kadianakis wrote:

> Bernhard Übelacker <bernha...@mailbox.org> writes:
> > Dear Maintainer,
> > I tried to collect some more information and compared this
> > situation on real hardware armv5tel with an armv7 and
> > it looks like in keccak_finalize the following instruction
> > stores different data to memory depending on the arm hardware:
> >
> >     0x005c4ac0 <keccak_finalize+192>:    f0 20 c4 e1     strd    r2, [r4]
> >
> > In the failing case this is stored:
> >      (gdb) x/8xb &((keccak_state *) 0xbeffef5c)->a
> >      0xbeffef5c:     0x6f    0x6e    0x20    0x63    0x00    0x00    0x00   
> >  0x00
> >
> > And in the good case this:
> >      (gdb) x/8xb &((keccak_state *) 0xbeffef5c)->a
> >      0xbeffef5c:     0x2e    0x6f    0x6e    0x69    0x6f    0x6e    0x20   
> >  0x63
> >
> > While on both the registers r2 and r3 contain:
> >      r2             0x696e6f2e          1768845102
> >      r3             0x63206e6f          1663069807
> >
> > In the attached files are some more details leading to the above result.
> >
> Woah Bernhard, that's some top-notch detective work!
> I wonder what this means? Does this mean that strd is broken on that
> armv5tel, or that we are running gcc with the wrong flags for this
> architecture?

Arnd Bergmann on #debian-arm points out that

  113 setout8(const uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dst, size_t len) {
  114   const uint64_t *si = (const uint64_t*)src; // Always aligned.

line 114 of src/ext/keccak-tiny/keccak-tiny-unrolled.c has undefined behavior
and that 0xbeffef5c is not actually aligned.

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