On 19/12/2020 13:28, Bastian Germann wrote:
On Fri, 18 Dec 2020 00:01:10 +0100 Bastian Germann
<bastiangerm...@fishpost.de> wrote:> bible-kjv package claims to be
GPLv2 licensed. One file has an "or
later" clause but some files seem to GPLv2-only. However, with the
switch to readline6 (#553733), it uses a GPLv3 library. GPLv3 and
GPLv2-only are known to be incompatible licenses, so please build with
libedit instead. A patch is enclosed.
Instead of applying this patch, you can also build-depend on
libeditreadline-dev, which allows to build with libedit while keeping
the readline interface.
I could also, presumably, adjust the licence to be GPL2+? The only bit
of the code that is GPL2 and isn't my copyright is randverse, which
isn't linked against readline.