On Sun, 20 Dec 2020 19:38:52 +0100 Francesco Poli (wintermute) wrote:

> Then, after one more reboot, I suddenly became unable to connect
> to the Wireless LAN, getting the following error in a dialog window:
>   Failed to toggle connection state.
>   GDBus.Error:net.connman.Error.NoCarrier: No carrier
> I really cannot understand what's going on.

Now I understand even less...

I performed some more tests today.
At first I had the same issue again for a while, but then I did the
following: I selected my Wireless LAN (in the connman-gtk GUI), clicked
on the button with the little gear to see its settings, went to the
"Clear settings" tab and clicked on the "Reset" button, in order to set
all properties to defaults.

Guess what?
The issue disappeared and I was able to connect to my Wireless LAN
again (without even having to re-enter my password, which was
remembered, despite the reset!). And then disconnect. And then connect
Even after a reboot.
Everything seems back to normal now.

But I have no idea why.

Unfortunately, I didn't make a copy of the wireless network
configuration file, before resetting its properties.
Hence, I am not sure what changed because of the reset.

Do you happen to know what may have happened?

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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