Well, does FPC actually support building in a way that allow dbgsym

Specifically, with most basic dh(1) debian/rules, I'm getting
"dh_strip: warning: Could not find the BuildID in 
warnings in sid with fpc 3.2.0+dfsg-8, and resulting -dbgsym file is unusable 
by gdb.

I've tried various compilation options, last one being: 
fpc -Mtp -g -gl -gv -fPIC -C3 -Ci -Co -CO  -O1 -gw -godwarfsets  -gt -vewnhiq   
-Sa -Sy -Sewnh -vm4049 -k-lSDL_mixer -k-lSDL -k-lm -k'-z relro' -k'-z now' 
-k-pie main.pas

that works for debugging with gdb when symbols are not extracted, but not in 
-dbgsym case.

(package is currently at 

Do we have some other packages using fpc, which have working -dbgsym?
Or does fpc itself need some changes for it to work?

Opinions above are GNU-copylefted.

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