Source: node-estree-walker
Version: 2.0.1-1
Severity: serious
Justification: FTBFS on amd64
Tags: bullseye sid ftbfs
Usertags: ftbfs-20201226 ftbfs-bullseye


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
on amd64.

Relevant part (hopefully):
> make[1]: Entering directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>'
> tsc
> Files:              30
> Lines:           29042
> Nodes:          126127
> Identifiers:     46102
> Symbols:         31455
> Types:            9971
> Instantiations:   2920
> Memory used:    77174K
> I/O read:        0.01s
> I/O write:       0.00s
> Parse time:      0.59s
> Bind time:       0.26s
> Check time:      1.08s
> Emit time:       0.03s
> Total time:      1.96s
> rollup -c
> src/index.ts → dist/estree-walker.umd.js, src/estree-walker.js...
> created dist/estree-walker.umd.js, src/estree-walker.js in 96ms
> cp dist/estree-walker.umd.js index.js
> make[1]: Leaving directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>'
>    dh_auto_test --buildsystem=nodejs
>       ln -s ../. node_modules/estree-walker
>       /bin/sh -ex debian/tests/pkg-js/test
> + NODE_PATH=debian/build_modules mocha --opts mocha.opts
> mocha inspect [spec..]
> Run tests with Mocha
> Rules & Behavior
>   --allow-uncaught           Allow uncaught errors to propagate        
> [boolean]
>   --async-only, -A           Require all tests to use a callback (async) or
>                              return a Promise                          
> [boolean]
>   --bail, -b                 Abort ("bail") after first test failure   
> [boolean]
>   --check-leaks              Check for global variable leaks           
> [boolean]
>   --delay                    Delay initial execution of root suite     
> [boolean]
>   --exit                     Force Mocha to quit after tests complete  
> [boolean]
>   --forbid-only              Fail if exclusive test(s) encountered     
> [boolean]
>   --forbid-pending           Fail if pending test(s) encountered       
> [boolean]
>   --global, --globals        List of allowed global variables            
> [array]
>   --jobs, -j                 Number of concurrent jobs for --parallel; use 1 
> to
>                              run in serial
>                                    [number] [default: (number of CPU cores - 
> 1)]
>   --parallel, -p             Run tests in parallel                     
> [boolean]
>   --retries                  Retry failed tests this many times         
> [number]
>   --slow, -s                 Specify "slow" test threshold (in milliseconds)
>                                                           [string] [default: 
> 75]
>   --timeout, -t, --timeouts  Specify test timeout threshold (in milliseconds)
>                                                         [string] [default: 
> 2000]
>   --ui, -u                   Specify user interface    [string] [default: 
> "bdd"]
> Reporting & Output
>   --color, -c, --colors                     Force-enable color output  
> [boolean]
>   --diff                                    Show diff on failure
>                                                        [boolean] [default: 
> true]
>   --full-trace                              Display full stack traces  
> [boolean]
>   --growl, -G                               Enable Growl notifications 
> [boolean]
>   --inline-diffs                            Display actual/expected 
> differences
>                                             inline within each string  
> [boolean]
>   --reporter, -R                            Specify reporter to use
>                                                       [string] [default: 
> "spec"]
>   --reporter-option, --reporter-options,    Reporter-specific options
>   -O                                        (<k=v,[k1=v1,..]>)           
> [array]
> Configuration
>   --config   Path to config file           [string] [default: (nearest rc 
> file)]
>   --package  Path to package.json for config                            
> [string]
> File Handling
>   --extension          File extension(s) to load
>                                            [array] [default: 
> ["js","cjs","mjs"]]
>   --file               Specify file(s) to be loaded prior to root suite
>                        execution                       [array] [default: 
> (none)]
>   --ignore, --exclude  Ignore file(s) or glob pattern(s)
>                                                        [array] [default: 
> (none)]
>   --recursive          Look for tests in subdirectories                
> [boolean]
>   --require, -r        Require module                  [array] [default: 
> (none)]
>   --sort, -S           Sort test files                                 
> [boolean]
>   --watch, -w          Watch files in the current working directory for 
> changes
> [boolean]
>   --watch-files        List of paths or globs to watch                   
> [array]
>   --watch-ignore       List of paths or globs to exclude from watching
>                                       [array] [default: 
> ["node_modules",".git"]]
> Test Filters
>   --fgrep, -f   Only run tests containing this string                   
> [string]
>   --grep, -g    Only run tests matching this string or regexp           
> [string]
>   --invert, -i  Inverts --grep and --fgrep matches                     
> [boolean]
> Positional Arguments
>   spec  One or more files, directories, or globs to test
>                                                      [array] [default: 
> ["test"]]
> Options:
>   --help, -h         Show usage information & exit                     
> [boolean]
>   --version, -V      Show version number & exit                        
> [boolean]
>   --list-interfaces  List built-in user interfaces & exit              
> [boolean]
>   --list-reporters   List built-in reporters & exit                    
> [boolean]
> ✖ ERROR: --opts: configuring Mocha via 'mocha.opts' is DEPRECATED 
> and no longer supported.
>           Please use a configuration file instead.
> dh_auto_test: error: /bin/sh -ex debian/tests/pkg-js/test returned exit code 1

The full build log is available from:

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at . You're welcome to contribute!

If you reassign this bug to another package, please marking it as 'affects'-ing
this package. See

If you fail to reproduce this, please provide a build log and diff it with me
so that we can identify if something relevant changed in the meantime.

About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on EC2 VM instances from
Amazon Web Services, using a clean, minimal and up-to-date chroot. Every
failed build was retried once to eliminate random failures.

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