Currently  Courier uses several configuration files in /etc/courier
that can be replaced by a subdirectory whose contents are
concatenated and treated as a single, consolidated, configuration file.

This behaviour is less confused for the few tutorials and works better
to manipulate the files by scripts (as webadmin cgi does)

First setp to solve this is in courier-base package, must be changed
to true, this will create the minimal set of directories.

Later in a new revision remove the question and migrate to use
only directories (that can co-exist with normal files), manpages
of the courier suite points so many times about those directories..

by example the esmtpacceptmailfor: can be a single file
in the path /etc/courier/esmtpacceptmailfor of a directory at
the path /etc/courier/esmtpacceptmailfor.dir and all files inside
will be parsed as single one.

better example is hosted domains, can be a single file in
but is better a directory /etc/courier/hosteddomains and each domain
could be a single file (named as the domain without dots) and with
domain inside in plain text.

as i said.. this behaviour is more elaborated but more organized
for huge servers like production real cases

Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)

El jue, 31 de dic. de 2020 a la(s) 05:58, Markus Wanner
( escribió:
> Control: tags -1 +moreinfo
> Control: severity -1 normal
> Hi,
> from this wording, I have no idea what this bug is about, sorry.  Please
> clarify your proposal.
> Markus

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