> As of a few days ago, I started getting mails from logrotate complaining
> about duplicate log rotation rules for iptraf and iptraf-ng:

This did not happen for me on buster, but does on bullseye.

> error: iptraf-ng:2 duplicate log entry for /var/log/iptraf/rvnamed.log
error: iptraf-ng:2 duplicate log entry for /var/log/iptraf/*.log

I have no such directory -- possibly because I have not yet used
non-interactive mode of iptraf.  If my guess is correct, then the
vast majority of users won't either, as iptraf is advertised as
a TUI tool.

Thus, apparently logrotate's error detection changed, and it complains
about entries before globbing -- so now it will complain for everyone
who transitioned from iptraf-non-ng.

So... axing this conffile before bullseye would be much appreciated.

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