On Mon, 4 Jan 2021 19:33:46 +0100 Michael Banck <mba...@gmx.net> wrote:
reopen 979041


On Mon, Jan 04, 2021 at 09:36:06AM +0000, Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:
>    * Fix for missing plugin mca_op_avx.so. Closes: #979041, #978496

This change fixes the mca_op_avx.so issues, but at least my testing
shows this abort is still there when trying to run the gpaw autopkgtests
with 4.1.0-4:

> |A process has executed an operation involving a call
> |to the fork() system call to create a child process.
> |
> |As a result, the libfabric EFA provider is operating in
> |a condition that could result in memory corruption or
> |other system errors.
> |
> |For the libfabric EFA provider to work safely when fork()
> |is called, you will need to set the following environment
> |variable:
> |          RDMAV_FORK_SAFE
> |
> |However, setting this environment variable can result in
> |signficant performance impact to your application due to
> |increased cost of memory registration.
> |
> |You may want to check with your application vendor to see
> |if an application-level alternative (of not using fork)
> |exists.
> |
> |Your job will now abort.


Same here for pysph.


Antonio Valentino

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