On Mon, Apr 17, 2006 at 04:05:40PM +0100, Joshua Kite wrote:
> After many, many hours and much reading of forums I have restored my X 
> environment although at the moment only with the nv driver, not the 
> nvidia driver. The problem is clearly a result of the change in module 
> location and package naming with the move from xorg 6.x => xorg 7 and so 
> I consider it to be the package maintainers' 'fault' and for them to 
> address. Here is what I did:
> Firstly I had to generate a 'virgin' new /etc/X11/xorg.conf .
> dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
> did NOT work (complaining of a customised file) and so I had to
> mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old.20060417
> The new xorg.conf looked very different indeed to the old one based on 
> the old xfree86 XF86config-4 from the XF86 => xorg transition.
> I still had problems with 'missing' modules which the following 'fixed'
> ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/* /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers
> ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/* /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions
> I now found that although I could <startx> manually, I could not get a 
> graphical login to come up automatically, gdm complained 'Xserver not 
> found...' . I 'fixed' this with
> ln -s /usr/bin/Xorg /usr/X11R6/bin/X
> I am now back to an (unaccelerated) graphical login: X complains "Failed 
> to initialize GLX extension (compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)". 
> Naturally I have abandoned the Debian nvidia packages long ago (never 
> really used them) and reinstalled the official nvidia 8756 'pkg-run' 
> installer several times without further success. I presume that this glx 
> problem will also be a location problem as with the rest and that this 
> would explain the ubuntu situation which I described previously- the 
> kernel loads the nvidia module but x won't use it. I don't have any more 
> time to play with his right now but I hope that this sorry situation can 
> be fixed by the package maintainers ASAP since it would seem everything 
> is there but x is looking in the wrong places for the things it needs 
> now that we have moved to xorg 7x.
> Thanks especially to Jerome for your help and support

I started responding to your post in pieces, but then I realised that
you're using the proprietary NVIDIA driver.  Which explains why it's not

There are numerous documented workarounds for this; please continue
searching (I don't have them to hand), as it is not Debian's problem.

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