* Jamie Zawinski [Mon, Jan 11 2021, 01:13:10PM]:
> > my .icewm/startup file at the moment contains:
> >
> > xscreensaver -nosplash -log wtf-xscreensaver.txt &
> >
> > When icewm starts, I see the splash screen for a brief moment (not joking, 
> > looks -nosplash has no effect there), but it does not happen every time.
> This kinda sounds like *something else* is launching xscreensaver at the same 
> time, and whatever that is is doing it without -nosplash. The two of them 
> racing would explain the "already running" error.

I think they are both originating from xscreensaver.service ExecStart's
command line.

> > Or, if run ps quick enough before it's killed, I see:
> >
> > user       3904  0.0  0.0   5712  1128 ?        SN   21:13   0:00 
> > xscreensaver-systemd -verbose
> > lightdm    11997  0.1  0.0  18948  5952 ?        Ss   21:55   0:00 
> > xscreensaver
> > lightdm    12068  0.0  0.0   5712  1128 ?        SN   21:55   0:00 
> > xscreensaver-systemd
> > user       12416  0.0  0.0   3748   664 pts/0    S+   21:56   0:00 grep 
> > saver
> Note that pid 11997 does not have -nosplash on its command line.

That also matches the command in the service file, including the ownership
of the process.

Best regards,

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