On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 12:36PM, Sudip Mukherjee wrote:
> Thanks. And I will also like to have your advice on the question of a
> transitional package for offlineimap3.
> I am in confusion about that.
> 1. If we dont have a transitional package then users of offlineimap
> will see it not working after they upgrade.
> 2. There might be incompatibilities between python2 and python3
> versions which can create problems.
> 3. And, lastly this comment -
> https://github.com/OfflineIMAP/offlineimap3/issues/10#issuecomment-713202271
> What will your suggestion be?

I would turn the offlineimap package into a transitional one, pointing
to offlineimap3, and have offlineimap3 break and replace the old one
(see [1] for instructions). Since we are not going to support the
Python2 version ever again, I believe this is the best way to migrate
current users.

If however you feel that OfflineIMAP3 is not ready yet to replace
OfflineIMAP, or that there are steps that the users must take in order
to migrate, I would remove the OfflineIMAP package and let them migrate
to the new one manually.

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/RenamingPackages


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